Welcome to our web page

​We hope you enjoy looking at our dogs and where they are up to in their busy lives.

​We have two boys and 5 girls. No! not many but enough for us.

​We do not sell any pups un papered so please do not ask, we as responsible breeders love our dogs and pups and take very good care of them and their well being and always hope that you as responsible new owners will always do the same. We are here if you need help or have any questions.

Why do we breed? because we want to share with you the love and pleasure that we get from our crew, but in saying that breeding is hard work, consumes a lot of time, heart brakes and pleasure, one needs to know where they are going and what they want to achieve by breeding, it is all expensive  and with that comes the responsible care of each and every pup so please we ask you to do your homework before adventuring down this path.

​So breeding is not for everyone, have a pet or two and just love them as much as they love you and treat them as you would want your self treated with love, protection, guidance, discipline, fresh water, good food and clean living conditions. 

​Fox Terrier Smooth dogs  started their lives in England in the 1800's. They love your compenty, are active, playful, loyal, fearless, they love children but are just as happy sitting on your lap.






Contact Details

Trish and Kerry Kopp
Gympie, QLD, Australia
Phone : 07 54812841 or 0409070127
Email : [email protected]

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