CH. Cayco Bones Sam

HI my name is Sam, and when Sir Wallter pased it was up to me to fill his shoes - well I am still getting there but don't worry I know I will make the grade.

I am always happy, love cuddles and playing with Kerry, I have worked hard achieving my tital of Champion this year, so now I am just laxing for a while, you know being happy, going to the beack to run raged and help Kerry fish, playing with the girls, tugarope is my favourite but I have to let the girls win sometimes other wise they will stop playing with me. 

No! bird watching is one of my best times of the day, I have decided that I don't like them in my back yard and so they have to be chased so as they knew who is boss.

Well I must be on my way or I might miss something.


Just a short update, I am now seven years old and my life is still sweet.

Contact Details

Trish and Kerry Kopp
Gympie, QLD, Australia
Phone : 07 54812841 or 0409070127
Email : [email protected]